We have no breeding plans in 2021.
On August 2, 2020 Lexi ( Konstance Konijn van het Twickelbos) became the proud mother of 7 puppy’s. She has 5 females and 2 males. Everybody is doing very well.
On July 19th, 2020 Maya ( Lyra Heartstrings het Zwaard) became the proud mother of 4 puppy’s. One black male, one Sable girl and two black girls. Everybody is doing very well.
Eind juli/ begin augustus hopen wij een nestje Dashonden Ruwhaar te krijgen van Konstance Konijn van het Twickelbos ( Lexi) en Dougal v.d. Oude IJsselstroom.
Beide ouders voldoen aan de gezondheidseisen van de Nederlandse Teckelclub. Dougal voldoet ook aan de showeisen die gesteld zijn. Lexi heeft helaas haar show debuut nog niet gehad als gevolg van het corona virus.
Heeft u interesse dan kunt u vrijblijvend contact met ons opnemen via
0475-475011 of via e-mail: altnaharra@kpnmail.nl
This year we won’t have puppies due to the fact that we are going to move to a new place in the Netherlands. In 2020 when we are all settled then we hope to have a litter with our Dashond and with the Tibetan Mastiff. When we have news we will post it on our website and facebook.
Zoya Fay van Altnaharra became Dutch Junior Champion at Dogshow Venray. She is the third one of this litter to win this title. She got 1 EX – R. CAC in junior class . Judge: D. Baars
Zena Tara van Atnaharra got 2EX in junior class
26 -5-2019
Zena Tara van Altnaharra got in junior class 1 EX CAC BOS at Dogshow Oss – Judge: Mw. C. Mulcahy
Zoltan Kane van Altnaharra got in junior class 1EX CAC BOB at Dogshow Goes and is now Dutch Junior Champion.
Zoltan Kane van Altnaharra got in junior class 1 EX CAC BOB at International Dogshow Rijnland
Zaino Falco van Altnaharra got at Dogshow Eindhoven in junior class 1EX R. CAC and is now Dutch Junior Champion.
Zena Tara van Altnaharra got at the Christams Show in Venray 1 EX CAC BOB in Junior Class
Zaino Falco van Altnaharra got 1 EX CAC BOS
Tara and Falco also won brace class. Very proud of them both.
At the Amsterdam Winner Show – Our Wera Sakya Mahatma-La got 1 EX CAC CACIB BOS and WInner’18 and her daugther Zoya Fay van Altnaharra in junior class- 1 EX R.CAC and Junior Winner’18.
Wera Sakya Mahatma-La became Dutch Champion and is placed for the Hond van het jaar show in the Netherlands.